About Me

Juepeng Zheng is from Meizhou, Guangdong, China. He is currently an Assistant Professor in School of Artificial Intelligence, Sun Yat-Sen University. He received his Ph.D. from Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University in 2023, advised by Prof. Haohuan Fu. Before that, he received B.S. from College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics, Tongji University in 2019, advised by Prof. Huan Xie. His research interests lie in artificial intelligence, high performance computing and remote sensing, etc.

Email: [email protected]


Jan, 2024 One paper is accepted by ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (SCI Q1, TOP, IF=12.7)!
Jan, 2024 One co-author paper is accepted by International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (SCI Q1, TOP, IF=7.5)!
Jan, 2024 We get funded from National Key Research and Development Plan of China!
Nov, 2023 One paper is accepted by Building and Environment (SCI Q1, TOP, IF=7.4)!
Nov, 2023 We organize a special issue “Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Forests” on Forests
Nov, 2023 We get funded of AI-based VOCs retracing and simulation!
Aug, 2023 I ****teach courses of Digital Signal Processing & Experiment of Digital Signal Processing for undergraduates and Deep Learning for graduates in this semester.
Jul, 2023 One co-author paper is accepted by ICCV 2023 (CCF-A)!
May, 2023 One co-author paper is accepted by International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (SCI Q1, TOP, IF=7.5)!
May, 2023 One paper is accepted by ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (SCI Q1, TOP, IF=12.7)!


Work Experience



Professional Service